Our First Video Post of The Year - Featuring The Poet B1
We have finally gotten 'round to finishing some of our gig videos, and we are proud to share the first of them. It's a poem about...

Another New Free Track - Featuring The Bassist From Whoopgnash
We have another newly mixed Stratos Ensemble track here, available for free download if you go directly to the SC page and click the...

Our Music On Youtube
On Youtube you will find a variety of our works as The Stratos Ensemble. One type of work you will notice there is our full sets of...

A Review From The Other Side
Some Stratos Ensemble fans might find this interesting and amusing. It's a review of our last album, written by a Russian experimental...

Our Video Dedication To October 31st
We recently cut together a little performance-art-esque video to an excerpt from our track "No Stranger." It's our own way of...

New 4-Hour Mix Of Ambient Progressive Jazz, Including TSE
This is a new DJ mix set of what we consider the best examples of millennial alternative electric jazz bands and artists. We've included...

Stratos Ensemble Full Live Set GIVEAWAY
Big giveaway right now: a temporary free download of our first concert at the E Spot Lounge in North Hollywood. It's peaks and valleys,...

Stratos Ensemble EPK and Documentary
Dean recently finished creating an EPK / short-documentary about the Stratos Ensemble, taking place mostly during production and release...

Video Of Guitar Solo From Album "Accident At Clear Lake"
This is a recently made music video for one of Daniel's stellar electric guitar solos on our latest album - Accident At Clear Lake. Yes,...

Video Of Piano And Guitar Solo From Accident At Clear Lake
This was a recently made music video for the piano solo and jazz guitar solo on the new album - Accident At Clear Lake. Yes, almost the...