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A mistake was recently made with our digital distribution. We were under the impression that our last EP, the “Thi rx EP, had been distributed during the holidays, but apparently it had not. We apologize for that mix up and the lack of broad availability. There was a tax discrepancy (etc.) so we weren’t even aware that the album hadn’t been distributed yet. However, we have now corrected the discrepancy and yes, the Thi rx EP is finally available everywhere online (Apple Music, YouTube Music, pretty much everywhere). Feel free to check there yourselves, and feel free to contact us about it if you discover differently, or if you ever want to point out any other issues that may occur for us online. We are an indie outfit as a band, so sometimes our eyes and ears are limited.

Also, while correcting this particular problem, we seized our opportunity to refine the EP a little bit more before permanent distribution. In that refinement, one of the pieces from the album was changed a little, the track entitled L8 Again. For that reason, we are temporarily giving this new version away for free on Bandcamp from now throughout March. If you go to the following link, you are able and welcome to download it. Our apologies again for the mix up, and we hope you like the new version of L8 Again, which is not drastically different from the old one to be honest.

And yes, we plan on a full-length release of some kind before long, but this time we won't make the mistake of announcing a date before we can keep it. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the Thi rx EP. Below is the link to your free download, the final version of the track "L8 Again." Just click on the image.

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