Update: We'll Take You To Our Leader
(Here's a crazy one for you.)
First, we apologize for the delay in our gigging schedule; we know it's been a long time since we last gave LA folk the chance to check us out live. However, we are happy to report that we will indeed be playing again soon, in full form and then some, hopefully even over the next few months. And again, considering how rare it is when we do play, it's always best to put all excuses aside and put the Taco Bell down and turn off Game Of Thrones and throw a jacket over your onesy and just turn the ignition and come on down to see us!!! ;) In all seriousness, we love seeing you there during those rare live gigs.
We also apologize for the lapse in our release schedule, which will pick back up again pretty much any moment now. And there will likely be more updates on that even sooner than our next gig.
Lastly, the main reason for these long delays each year, is because every year our band leader Dean spends his entire Summer in the Pacific Northwest while attempting to be the first person to perform live electronic music at the summit of the Cascade Mountains, and broadcast it online. And well, after 10 years of attempts, Dean actually finally made it to the top of Mt. Hood recently, where he then broadcasted live electronic music on Facebook! Check out the original FB link to this moment of low-key art history, below. And be forgiving, being as no one was crazy enough to follow Dean up there and hold the camera for him. ;)
We look forward to seeing you soon brother Dean! PLEASE be safe, for our sake if nothing else!