A Big Audio Performance Giveaway Today
We recently held a recording session with only 3 members of the Stratos Ensemble: Rod MacDowell, Coco Roussel and Dean De Benedictis, making this a Stratos Trio session. It was an improvisation, which you may not believe when hearing it, and it was the first Stratos performance where Dean incorporated grand piano. We can't really describe what a great addition the grand is to what we do, so we'll just let you hear for yourself, and have it. It's a free download of ambient progressive jazz/fusion electronica, as a high quality mp3 (go to the soundcloud page and click the download icon). The whole session is about an hour and 20--but worth almost every minute. Note: even though it came out well, there are still technical / logistical sonic reasons why much of this performance won't be available on any future albums, so consider it an exclusive gift. And sure, there will likely be more later, but we're not sure exactly when. Enjoy.
Link to the track: